First name:Josh
Minecraft username:Useers
How long have you played Minecraft:Since Alpha 1.2.3
Ever been banned:No
--If so, why?
Why do you want to be a part of CatastoCraft:I want to start another server because my old was shut down, and this server seems great!
Do you agree to follow rules stated here:Of cource
Anything else you want to say:I love the server so far!
Minecraft username:Useers
How long have you played Minecraft:Since Alpha 1.2.3
Ever been banned:No
--If so, why?
Why do you want to be a part of CatastoCraft:I want to start another server because my old was shut down, and this server seems great!
Do you agree to follow rules stated here:Of cource
Anything else you want to say:I love the server so far!